ETH Industry Day 2021

The ETH Industry Day on 8 September 2021 is the perfect opportunity to get an insight into ETH research and how it is applied in industry. Registration is now open.

An event packed with research presentations and an exhibition for networking is awaiting you. Selected professors and young entrepreneurs will present fascinating projects in the fields of:

  • Robotics & AI
  • Health & Food
  • Manufacturing & Materials
  • Management & Digitalisation

Meet the speakers, students, researchers and entrepreneurs at the 50+ booths of the exhibition area. Details and the full programme are available on Admission is free but external pageregistration is required.

Here is a selection of projects you will see at the ETH Industry Day 2021:

Robotics & AI

When travelling in the Alps, you might come across an unmanned excavator clearing rockfalls, as if by magic. At the ETH Industry Day, you will get to know more about this collaboration between the ETH Robotic Systems Lab, SBB and Armasuisse.


Health & Food

With a view to optimising the ecological footprint of herbal extracts used in the production of sweets, Ricola decided to send one of its employees on a sabbatical to ETH Zurich. Find out more about the outcomes of this further education programme for industry.


Manufacturing & Materials

The grinding of railway tracks extends their lifetime and reduces rolling noises. Scheuchzer started a collaboration with inspire and ETH Zurich in order to investigate and optimise the grinding process. At the ETH Industry Day, you will meet the project partners and hear about what they have learned.


Management & Digitalisation

In high-pressure die casting, it gets hot. Bühler and the Swiss Data Science Center take a data-driven approach to improve the cooling. The researchers and industry partners will talk about this “cool” collaboration.


Join us at ETH Zurich 英皇娱乐 H?nggerberg on 8 September 2021.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the ETH Industry Day 2021 and to many inspiring discussions.


ETH Industry Day

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